Dr. Timothy C. Edwards
at US Army Redstone Technical Test Ctr
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (17)

SPIE Journal Paper | 5 February 2013 Open Access
Joseph Geary, Lisa Blackwell, Timothy Edwards, Michael Dargie
OE, Vol. 52, Issue 2, 024403, (February 2013) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.OE.52.2.024403
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Calibration, Charge-coupled devices, Prototyping, Staring arrays, Optical engineering, Relays, Optical fibers, Microscopes, Imaging systems

Proceedings Article | 4 May 2007 Paper
Proceedings Volume 6543, 65430Q (2007) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.719751
KEYWORDS: Long wavelength infrared, Copper, Target recognition, Image processing, Infrared imaging, Infrared radiation, Performance modeling, Thermography, Analytical research, Solids

SPIE Journal Paper | 1 June 2006
OE, Vol. 45, Issue 06, 063201, (June 2006) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.2213997
KEYWORDS: Calibration, Modulation transfer functions, Contrast transfer function, Imaging systems, Long wavelength infrared, Mid-IR, Sensors, Visible radiation, Target acquisition, Targeting Task Performance metric

Proceedings Article | 5 August 2004 Paper
Proceedings Volume 5407, (2004) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.542066
KEYWORDS: Mid-IR, Visible radiation, Target acquisition, Electro optical modeling, Contrast transfer function, Sensors, Electro optical systems, Electro optics, Homeland security, Forward looking infrared

Proceedings Article | 5 September 2003 Paper
Teresa Gonda, David Less, David Filbee, Erik Polsen, Timothy Edwards
Proceedings Volume 5075, (2003) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.487576
KEYWORDS: Thermal modeling, Modeling, Sensors, Infrared signatures, Prototyping, Electro optical modeling, Physics, Computer simulations, Atmospheric modeling, Computer aided design

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