I received my PhD degree from University of Colorado (Boulder) majoring in Electrical Engineer. My Ph. D. research focused on optical rectennas. Currently, I am a senior hardware engineer at Oracle developing Monte Carlo SPICE simulator. I am an author or co-author for two book chapters, 5 journal articles, >10 conference papers (including one invited paper for the SPIE Optics+Photonics Conference in 2013). I also have reviewing experience for many journals, such as IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology journal and IEEE condense materials.
My research interests include ultrafast graphene devices, metal-insulator-metal diodes, rectennas, THz & IR detectors, and Monte Carlo simulations for ballistic device. I also have strong understanding of nano fabrication technology.
My research interests include ultrafast graphene devices, metal-insulator-metal diodes, rectennas, THz & IR detectors, and Monte Carlo simulations for ballistic device. I also have strong understanding of nano fabrication technology.
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