The extreme computational complexity in generating a hologram makes the interactive holographic display very difficult. An optimized layered rendering method for real-time interactive holographic display based on ray-tracing technique is presented in order to overcome this challenge and realize real-time interaction of three-dimensional scenes. Ray tracing is able to render more complex and photorealistic images for different illuminations and circumstances. Rays are launched in parallel and traced to obtain ray–object intersections, and then the complex wave field of the effective pixels in different layers is determined. The occlusions between different layers are also considered to effectively reduce the overall computation. A computer-generated hologram is fused with the multilayer-hologram-diffraction results using the layered fast Fourier transform algorithm. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The reconstructed holographic image with real depth cues is demonstrated by the experiments, and the optical reconstruction images can be interacted in real-time.
We demonstrate an all-optical quantization scheme by slicing the supercontinuum (SC) generated in the normal dispersion region of a highly nonlinear fiber. The −20 dB bandwidth of the SC is broadened from 12.9 to 49.7 nm when input average power varies from 0.062 to 0.692 mW, which is used for realizing subsequent quantization. In addition, in order to evaluate the system performance, we have calculated the values of differential nonlinear error, integral nonlinear error, and effective number of bit from the experimental results as 0.471 least significant bit (LSB), 0.519 LSB, and 4.39 bit, respectively.
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